
Meet our mentors

Find out how mentorship can help you grow.

Interested in learning more about business mentorship?  Not sure about taking the plunge to become a mentor or mentee? Make an appointment with the Mentoring Coordinator for a virtual meeting.

Become a mentee

Our mentoring service is as much for experienced entrepreneurs as it is for anyone just starting out. Everyone can benefit from mentorship, no matter the sector, stage, or size of business.

“Being a mentee accelerated the development of my entrepreneurial skills, while allowing me to take a step back and make informed decisions.”

Become a mentor

The mentoring cell brings together people with a wealth of experience in entrepreneurship or management. The members are accredited by the Réseau Mentorat and supported by the local coordinator.

“Being a mentor means helping entrepreneurs to succeed. You play a vital role in the development of these individuals and, as a result, in the development of the regional economy as well.”

Our mentors

Want to find out more?

Please contact Josée Dufresne, Mentoring Coordinator
450 915-2272

Is mentorship for me?

Business mentorship can help you to:
gain confidence in your abilities, clarify your vision, help to better plan and manage priorities, manage stress more effectively, and improve leadership and human resource skills. Talk to the SADC Mentoring Coordinator or attend an online Rencontre Découverte meeting to see if mentorship is for you.

What is the difference between mentoring and coaching?

Good coaches and good mentors strive to help others fulfill their potential. Where mentoring differs from coaching, however is that mentoring involves someone sharing their knowledge, skills and experience with another, while listening to what they say – and don’t say – as they help them find their own answers.

Coaching, on the other hand, generally entails remuneration and a more directive approach. A mentor helps you to see what you are doing or are unconsciously not doing and how it might affect your results.

Our Partners

The SADC des Laurentides, in partnership with the Réseau Mentorat, offers a high-calibre support service governed by a code of ethics and provided by committed and experienced volunteers.