Surround yourself to move foward

Labo-Entrepreneur is a training and support centre dedicated to equipping local entrepreneurs.
It has two distinct cohorts: Start-up and Growth.
Labo·Entrepreneur·e Fondement

Fondement Cohort
Labo-Entrepreneur-e is a training, coaching and visibility program for people starting a business. It allows you to acquire essential skills, expand your network and, above all, to be supported by the region’s entrepreneurial ecosystem at the start-up stage of your business.
Places are limited.
Fondement Program
Next cohort, September 2024
The 5th Labo·Entrepreneur·e cohort will launch in fall 2024.
If you’ve started a new business and would like to receive support, the Labo-Startup could be for you.
Fill in the form to receive information about the launch next fall.

Labo·Entrepreneur·e Growth

Growth Cohort
The aim of Labo-Growth is to help entrepreneurs with mature businesses to diversify their activities, generate wealth, develop a new project or acquire a new company. Meetings will focus on discussion and problem-solving.
Places are limited to 8 entrepreneurs.
Growth Program
The program runs for five months.
Labo·Entrepreneur·e Growth Cohort
The first meeting of the Growth Cohort will take place on December 2024.
To find out more about the Growth program, contact us or complete the interest form below.

Want to find out more?
Chloée Elorie Chartrand, Labo·Entrepreneur·e Coordinator
450 915-2257